European Portuguese Programs on CD

European Portuguese Vocabulary - Volume 1 on CD

Perfect for the independent, motivated language learner!

Learn hundreds of European Portuguese words in 13 lessons on one convenient CD. Practice new words for family, nature, travel, shopping, business, and more. Fine-tune your communication skills with correct pronunciation as taught by a native speaker.

  • Reference the included cards for visual confirmation and quick spell check.
  • Study where and when you wish with the portable CD.
  • Set your own pace and goals in your ongoing studies.
  • Available also in Downloadable format

European Portuguese Vocabulary - Volume 2 on CD

Volume 2 of European Portuguese continues with all new words relating to the home, clothing, food, and much more.

  • Enhance your conversational European Portuguese skills using correct pronunciation as taught by a native speaker.
  • Listen to the CD and practice aloud when and where you choose.
  • Refer to the included reference cards to check spelling and reading comprehension.
  • Available also in Downloadable format

It’s a portable study tool that will have you speaking and understanding European Portuguese on your own schedule!

European Portuguese Vocabulary - Volume 3 on CD

Volume 3 in the European Portuguese Vocabulary series contains 22 lessons of all new words for a variety of subjects.

  • Learn the names of the areas of a home, from the bedroom to the kitchen, and the objects in them.
  • Name the parts of the human body, and helpful health related nouns.
  • Foods that make up a meal will increase your comfort level when dining at a home or in a restaurant.
  • Learn the name of clothing items and footwear.
  • Study about education, including items found in a classroom.
  • Listen to accurate pronunciation from a native speaker; practice independently on your own schedule.
  • Reference cards are included for visual learning.
  • Available also in Downloadable format

Continental - European Portuguese
Portuguese Vocabulary Series 1 on CD

Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 1 is a complete, self-contained Portuguese language program consisting of two CDs, two reference cards, a transcript of the audio lessons, and an illustrated workbook with over 40 pages of written exercises, puzzles, and self-testing quizzes.

  • An answer section is included for easy referral.
  • The material covers basic vocabulary, useful phrases for conversation, and also includes some introductory grammar constructions.
  • The audio lessons feature a native speaker using authentic pronunciation, while the workbook sharpens reading and writing skills through exercises that can be repeated as needed.

This combination of spoken and written practice is the most successful method of language acquisition available, and it is presented in a clear, concise, user-friendly format. Whether your interests are professional or personal, Series 1 provides an excellent beginning for your European Portuguese language studies.

Contents of European Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 1 CDs:

  • CD 1 Chapter Topics: The alphabet, changes in the pronunciation of the letters c and g, other important detail about the letters of the alphabet. Numerical adjectives: ordinal numbers 1 - 10 and cardinal numbers 1 - 300. The days of the week, the months and seasons of the year.
  • CD 2 Chapter Topics: Quiz. Cardinal numbers 300 - 1000. Practice using numbers in the thousands. Telling time and using time expressions. Complete sentences.

Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 1 Complete Set on CD
Includes two CDs, two reference cards, a transcript of the audio lessons, and an illustrated workbook.

Available also in Downloadable format

Learn European Portuguese
Conversational Portuguese Series 2 on CD

Conversational Portuguese Series 2 introduces new vocabulary and expands grammatical constructions. Students begin to understand and create their own sentences. Series 2 is a complete, self-contained program consisting of two CDs, two reference cards, a transcript of the audio lessons, and an illustrated workbook with 50 pages of written exercises, puzzles, and quizzes. An answer section is included. The workbook lessons are formatted to follow the audio portion so that students may combine their written and oral practice, the most effective way to learn a new language. The native speaker on the CDs presents an authentic European Portuguese pronunciation. This readable, user-friendly addition to your basic Portuguese studies is the best next step in becoming bilingual. It's fun, and it works!

Contents of European Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 2 CDs:

  • CD 1 Chapter Topics: The Colors. Descriptive adjectives - gender and number. Fruits, Vegetables, Food, Beverages, Meals. Nouns - gender and number. How to pluralize nouns. Articles - definite and indefinite. Pluralization of nouns and articles.
  • CD 2 Chapter Topics: Quiz. The Family. Collective and proper nouns. Possessive adjectives. Relationships. Descriptive adjective and sentences. Subject pronouns. Verbs SER and TER. Complete Sentences.

Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 2 Complete Set on CD
Includes two CDs, two reference cards, a transcript of the audio lessons, and an illustrated workbook.

Available also in Downloadable format

Learn European Portuguese
Conversational Portuguese Series 3 on CD

Conversational Portuguese Series 3 moves the student toward a more fluent understanding of basic European Portuguese. Learn new vocabulary, useful conversational expressions, and helpful grammatical constructions in this complete and self-contained program. Included are two CDs that provide authentic European Portuguese pronunciation; two reference cards for portable convenience; a transcript of the audio lessons so you can follow along; an illustrated workbook with 40 exercises, puzzles, and quizzes. The answer section helps you test yourself and repeat the material as often as needed. This combined oral and written program guides you through lessons progressively so that success is fast and frequent, and fun, too!!

Contents of European Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 3 CDs:

  • CD 1 Chapter Topics:Greeting and farewell expressions. Vocabulary: the table, the house. women's and men's clothing, underwear and sleepwear. Grammar: subject pronouns. 30 AR infinitives, AR conjugations in the present.
  • CD 2 Chapter Topics: Quiz. AR conjugations, complete sentences. 10 ER infinitives. ER conjugations in the present, complete sentences. 10 IR infinitives. IR conjugations in the present, positive and negative sentences. Direct object.

Portuguese Vocabulary - Series 3 Complete Set on CD
Includes two CDs, two reference cards, a transcript of the audio lessons, and an illustrated workbook.

Available also in Downloadable format

Portuguese Medical Vocabulary - Volume 1 on CD

This audio course is designed to help health professionals communicate with their patients in Portuguese.

The CD contains 17 lessons that provide the names of body parts, medical conditions, symptoms, and many other words useful in a medical setting.

Students learn correct pronunciation from a native speaker (European accent).

Vocabulary is offered in a format that can be repeated as often as necessary.

Learn in the car, or while relaxing at home; it's up to you!

A reference booklet is included for an optional quick check of spelling.

Available also in Downloadable format

Conversational Portuguese - Volume 1 Workbook

Designed for the adult learner, this Conversational Portuguese Workbook is a practical and user-friendly approach to the grammar and vocabulary of the European Portuguese language.

Individuals who pursue a program of self study can set their own pace and every user will find a clear, concise course of study that is efficient and fun!

At 140 pages, there are 38 lessons in which students study practical vocabulary that is useful in everyday situations. They learn the names of the following items, food - fruits, vegetables and beverages, clothing, greetings, family members and relationships, numbers from 1 to 1000, telling time, days of the week and months. The components of sentence structure are explored in sections on nouns, adjectives, prepositions, and articles. The Portuguese Verbal System is introduced through the study of regular ar, er, and ir infinitives, as well as the ser and ter verbs and ter idioms.

Throughout the Workbook, clever illustrations aid in identifying vocabulary and concepts. Each lesson includes multiple exercises that reinforce the grammar and vocabulary learned. In addition, the frequent use of quizzes, games, and puzzles engages the student while ensuring that practice and repetition can be effective paths to retention and the acceleration of oral proficiency. Such embedded techniques provide a check-point on learning by identifying subjects that need review. Students who complete the Workbook have the satisfaction that comes from building on the successful completion of each lesson.

Conversational Portuguese Volume 2 - on CD

Conversational Portuguese Volume 2 on CD continues the organized, user-friendly learning techniques introduced in our Conversational Portuguese Volume 1 Workbook. The motivated student will be rewarded with practical lessons that reinforce what has already been learned while gaining new grammar and vocabulary expertise.

In an attractive, illustrated format, the Volume 2 Workbook consists of 148 pages of 37 lessons with ample practice exercises, readings to reinforce comprehension and retention, and a complete answer section. Quizzes, puzzles, and games support the lessons in a fun and engaging way. In the vocabulary lessons, nouns that name objects in space, the world, and the city are introduced. Further vocabulary lessons include nationalities and weather and assorted common words that are useful in daily living. New verbs are learned with the appropriate AR, ER, IR conjugations. The present progressive as well as the preterit tenses are presented, as are impersonal verbs, and negative and interrogative sentences. Students learn the important differences between ser and estar; other irregular verbs like fazer, dizer, ir, querer are studied, including ter and its use in idiomatic expressions. Through the readings, exercises, and self-test questions, the student reads and creates sentences, a process that takes the learning experience well beyond rote memorization.

For the student who wishes to study independently, or to augment classroom studies, the Volume 2 Workbook has an accompanying audio program. The 4 CD set is the perfect way to practice pronunciation; listening to the native speaker and repeating the lessons aloud also reinforces the lessons learned in the Workbook, and it is accessible anywhere, anytime.

The CDs come with a verbatim script called Read Along for those who would like a visual guide to the audio presentation.

Conversational European Portuguese Volume 2 is the next level in the acquisition of the European Portuguese language; the combined Workbook and audio material assures you success in meeting the challenge.

Conversational Portuguese Volume 2 includes 4 CDs, Workbook & Read Along

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Conversational Portuguese workbook